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Advaligno Patas is a tree delimbing, trimming, and pruning machine for both fallen and living trees that can delimb 50 – 100 trees per hour reaching heights of 12 to15 meters.

This small tree delimber comes as a replacement for traditional heavy-duty delimbing equipment that is pricy and complex. It is easy to set up and requires only 2 workers for every machine to operate. 

Advaligno trimmer managed to reduce delimbing costs by more than 70% and achieve incredible savings in time and money as it can delimb a 12- 15 meters tree in only 8 -10 seconds.

The innovative trimming machine also guarantees the safety of your trees and ensures the future of your forest by keeping the barks free of injury thanks to its hydraulically driven rubber belts and its advanced clean-cut technology that enables it to cut tree branches nicely with a clean cut while putting the minimum pressure on barks.

Further than Trimmer and delimber, Advaligno can be used as a small-sized harvester for trees that are intended for felling.

 It can delimb and pre-delimb different kinds of forests and trees ( larch, pine, spruce, Douglas fir, and eucalyptus).

How It Works:

The automatic tree delimber consists of two parts: 

– Drive unit.

– Aluminum cutting head

 Advaligno machine is fully customizable and requires only 2 workers to carry and transfer it, set it up and control it while it is operating. It weighs only 50 kg (110 lb) and can be controlled manually or using an electric remote control.

Workers can easily set the pneumatic valve and control it via remote control without any technical knowledge required. They can also adjustable the delimbing speed, acceleration speed of the cutting head, the cutting blade pressure, and the pressure of the counter-pressure wheel.

Advaligno Machine Price:

You can get Advaligno price by reaching out to them in their contact form.

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Full Specifiction

    • Cost savings of more than 70%
    • Time savings of more than 100
    • Small and easy to carry and transfer
    • Clean-cut technology for safe trees and barks
    • Small & easy to carry
    • Pneumatic valve for workers safety
    • Drive belts & cutting blades are easily replaceable.
    • Delimbing Speed: 50 – 100 trees per hour | 8 -10 seconds/tree
    • Max height: 12 – 15 meters
    • Workers required: 2 workers per machine
    • Weight: 50 kg (110 lb)
    • 96-liter tank
    • Made for scale work at forests.
    • Suitable for all kinds of trees like; larch, pine, spruce, Douglas fir, and eucalyptus.
    • Made in Germany
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