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Farmbot is a robotic gardening system that enables you to graphically design your raised bed garden, urban rooftop, or your home greenhouse through an app on your laptop or smartphone then forget about your garden until it’s time for harvesting!

Using its farm-design software with its drag-and-drop interface you can plan the whole farming season in minutes. 

Just drag and drop the seeds and plants you want to grow in every inch of your farm, then leave the implementation of your plan to Farmbot gardening system that will follow your instructions and ensure maximize your harvest.

Farmbot app is accessible from anywhere you want, you can remotely move the robot and operate its tools and peripherals in real-time to do different tasks e.g: scaring birds away, taking photos of your farm, turning the lights on for a nighttime harvest, and a lot more.

Your Robot Gardener For Self-suffcient Garden:

If you are planting a garden just for fun, Farmbot will do all the daunting tasks of planting for you so you can enjoy your green garden and your harvest. 

And if your purpose is to grow a self-sufficient garden at your home with enough food to achieve self-sufficiency for yourself and your family, Farmbot again is your ideal choice. 

Thanks to its denser hexagonal packing structure that is more efficient than the traditional cubic packing structure, Farmbot with any of its 2 models can increase yield per harvest by about 12% and could produce all of the vegetables needed for a family of four to five people every day.

Not only does it enable you to achieve self-sufficiency using your small planting area with no effort from your side, but Farmbot can also achieve a return on investment (ROI) in 2 years for the basic version, and (6 months – 1 year) for the advanced ones.

How Farmbot Works:

Farmbot consists of a smart farming robot that you can control via an app from any device you want. All you need to do is to choose the Farmbot model that fits your farming area from the 4 models available, then install the robot on your own raised bed or greenhouse, make sure the robot has access to an electrical outlet, water supply, and internet connection, provide it with the seeds, then the rest of work will be planned from the app and implemented by your smart Farmbot.

What Farmbot Can Do; Farmbot Technology:

Farmbot is a complete robotic gardening system that will measure the soil height of your entire garden bed using its stereoscopic image processing and computer vision software. Then based on the gathered information, it will move throughout your garden space and precisely sow your seeds, measure the soil’s moisture content, abate the weeds and do the watering.

Even if you want to take an instant photo of your garden, Farmbot will take a live shot with its powerful onboard camera and strong LED lights then send it directly to you through the app.

Farmbot Models Available:

Farmbot has 2 main models available (Express & Genesis) with 4 different sizes for planting areas:

  • Express standard: (1.2m x 3m = 3.6m²), is the lowest cost FarmBot with the shortest setup time of only 1 hour.
  • Express XL: (2.4m x 6m = 14.4m²), offering 4x the growing area compared to Express.
  • Genesis v1.6: (1.5m x 3m = 4.5m²), covers 125% of the area of Express and has more advanced features and customization options.
  • Genesis v1.6 XL: ( 3m x 6m = 18m²), covers 4x the area of Genesis and can grow enough veggies for a family of four.

FarmBot Express is the most affordable and easy-to-use version of Farmbot for everyone. It comes 95% pre-assembled to make the setup fast and easy for non-technical people.

FarmBot Genesis, however, is the large, most advanced, and most customizable version for prosumers that can be used for DIY, experimentations, and integrations. You can power it with solar power, connect another tool to it or manipulate its code to add more functionality to its performance.

Farmbot Pricing:

FarmBot Inc. is an American company that has been operating since 2016 and successfully shipped more than 1,000 FarmBot kits to customers in over 65 countries. You can get the new robotic gardening system now starting from $3,495.

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Full Specifiction

    • Hardware Material: Farmbot hardware is made from corrosion-resistant aluminum, stainless steel, and UV-resistant ABS to last for years in outdoor environments without rusting or corroding. 
    • Assembling & Installation: Farbot can be assembled, installed, and operated using the provided online materials with no need for any technical support or literacy. 
    • Technical knowledge required: To become completely operational, Farmbot will require several hours of configuration and learning during its initial setup.
    • Software Configuration: FarmBot app is user-friendly and easy to learn in a few minutes with no coding involved, just drag and drop basic commands into your desired order, adjust the parameters, and save. 
    • Open-source: Farmbot is 100% open-source both hardware and software so you can see the full source code that makes up FarmBot, customize it to your needs using plugins, process its data to 3rd party APIs or help develop the software through the open-source repositories and contribute to the Farmbot community.
    • Compatibility: The app can work on any device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) and is compatible with all operating systems so you can manage your garden from anywhere at any time.
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