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Clocky is a moving alarm clock with wheels for heavy sleepers that can run away and jump from your nightstand to force you to wake up on time.

With Clocky moving alarm you don’t have to worry about missing an appointment again. Clocky will roll and jump from your nightstand up to 3 feet, wheel on carpets and wood floors, and hide from you so that you can’t but wake up and chase his very loud alarm to turn him off.

Moving Alarm Clock For Heavy Sleepers

Snoozing your alarm clock multiple times is proven to affect your health negatively rather than helping. The moving alarm clock ‘Clocky’ allows only one snooze then it uses its own way of getting you out of bed!

You can even pre-customize the snoozing time, or turn it off so that it becomes a no-snooze alarm.

Clocky has a loud dB alarm sound made especially for heavy sleepers so that they can’t help but to get up and chase their rolling alarm.

Alarm Clock For All Kids and All People

Clocky moving alarm is suitable for everyone who has difficulty waking up: adults, kids, toddlers, or students. 

Clocky alarm clock on wheels will be the best gift for your always-lat friend or teammate. Also, your kids who hate waking up in the morning will love it as the first thing to start their way with. It simply works!

Clocky running away Alarm Clock Setup

‘Clocky’ alarm is easy to use: just set up his time and alarm. Turn on his wheels if you want him to run away and you are done. Clocky has also a bright light on its back so you can see his display in the dark.

Clocky Alarm Clock Review

The moving alarm clock on wheels ‘Clocky’ scored a 4/5 review on Amazon based on 5,391 global ratings. Below are some reviews from real users who bought and used the product:

Happy Users Reviews

  • “Got it for my son who can’t seem to wake up for school every morning. Clocky did his job so well & my son was up & running exactly on time with no desire to lay back down after that workout 😂 he loves it & so does it! Easy to program & understand, loud & efficient !”
  • “Wow! I’ve only had this clock for 3 days, but it has already helped so much! I would usually set my alarm on my phone for 7 AM, but not actually get up until 8:30 or sometimes even 9 AM, making me always late for work. I used this clock this past week for 3 days and I was at work by 8:30 every single day. If you can’t get yourself out of bed in the morning like me, you need to get this alarm clock!”
  • “This alarm clock is really great for heavy sleepers!”
  • “I bought this for my teen who cannot get out of bed. This little clock is as adorable as it is relentless!!”
  • “After trying a few alarm clocks this seems to get my son out of bed.”
  • “I gave this to an employee who was habitually late. It worked better than a write-up and she felt loved….”
  • “I am the type of person who sets 6 or 7 alarms. I generally snooze through the majority of them or sleep through them on occasion. I can confidently say Clocky wakes me up every time. The sounds that come from the alarm effectively wake me from my sleep, and having to get out of bed to hunt it down ensures that I actually start my day on time. As far as complaints, I don’t have one about the product. I would say, if you have a higher bed frame, be careful where you place Clocky, as it may roll under there on its morning journey causing you to wake your husband up to help you reach it to shut it off. Lol! Overall I totally recommend it if you have issues getting up to your current alarm!”

Unsatisfied Users Reviews

  • “It’s NOT LOUD ENOUGH !!!”
  • “They work and are easy to set in the light. However, when chasing it down and trying to turn it off in the morning you can not see the time or the buttons to turn it off.”
  • “It’s a cute little alarm clock, but it isn’t loud enough for my super sleeper aka my son. It will go off for at least 5 minutes before he even budges, but by that time, it’ll wake me up and I’ll find myself waking up to get it up off the floor and tell him to get up. It’s better for adults than kids, but that is who it looks like it’s made for.”
  • “It is not at helpful as I was expecting but I believe it might help as you get used to it. I really don’t like the alarm sound and I cannot change it either (R2D2 sound from Star Wars). Also, there is no volume control either. These are the negative sides of it for me. But it is cute and does move around.”
  • “I’m a hard sleeper does nothing for me”
  • “This alarm clock is certainly loud but does not roll around or jump as described. He’s cute to look at but it’s very basic.”

Clocky Moving Alarm Clock Overall Review

The overall review of the moving alarm ‘Clocky’ is that:

  • It’s efficient, and loud enough for most heavy sleepers.
  • Efficient and entertaining for kids that are lazy waking up in the morning. And it’s a nice game thing to start their morning with that they will love.
  • It may not be fit for the extreme 5% heavy sleepers.
  • The product might have inconsistent performance in 20% of cases so it may move and doesn’t make a sound. (it’s a good idea to have a Clocky alarm beside your regular alarm)
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