Bot boxer is a smart robotic trainer and partner made for boxing professionals.

This robotic boxing trainer uses advanced AI to move away from your fist and escape your punches instantly to enhance your punching speed, fast acting, and more.

Bot boxer is not a dumb punching bag that moves randomly, it’s a smart boxing machine that uses AI sensors to predict your oncoming punches and calculate the most efficient way to escape them at a lightning speed that never existed before! 

From professional Olympic boxers to material arts instructors … Botboxer managed to outperform them all!

Bot Boxer Technology:

Bot boxer uses advanced computer vision to track every single punch from your side recording metrics like; force, velocity, direction, etc with high precision then it provides a blow-by-blow visualization of your performance and gives you tips and tricks to improve.

The robotic boxing trainer uses Artificial intelligence to precisely detect your mistakes, track your performance and give you hints to improve with customizable programs and drills for every fighter on every level and every boxing drill.

Bot boxer Robotic Trainer has 3 modes to choose from:

Free Training mode:

In this mode you can choose specific skills to improve like; the speed of motion, reaction & dodging, range control, etc. Just choose your current level and your robotic boxing trainer will correct your mistakes and give your tips for improvements.

Drills mode:

This mode is to advance your boxing skills further by choosing specific drills or combos that fit your current level and your goals and start repeating them focusing on speed, precision, and power. And of course your get detailed visualization about your performance.

Fight mode:

In this mode; Botboxer will be your unbeatable opponent. It will analyze your body movements and your fighting style then will dodge and escape your throws unless you improve your tactics, maneuvers, and speed. It will exhaust you in minutes.

Bot Boxer Reviews

“BotBoxer is a great boxing tool to enhance accuracy and increase the strength of your punches. It helps keep control of your balance while moving around the moving punching bag”

Christina Cruz: Olympic Boxer, 2-time World medalist

“This bag is unbelievable. I know I can punch fast, but this thing was even faster! Is this the future for boxing training?”

Tony Jeffries: Olympic bronze in 2008, retired as an undefeated pro boxer

“It blew me away. I underestimated it. Very impressive! Speed, reaction, fun, functionality. I think it’s useful for both fitness and boxing. I love it, first time I’ve ever seen anything like it.”

Austen Ford: Martial Arts Instructor

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Full Specifiction

    • • Punching bag dimensions: 25 x 40 cm (9’’ x 16’’)
    • • Punching bag Cover material: original leather.
    • • Motor: Powered with a 3-motor drive system.
    • • Processor: 4.0GHz | 6-core processor.
    • Built-in Hi-Fi audio
    • Customization: You can build your own Bot boxer with highly customized specifications according to your needs.
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